I find the key is to think of a day as units of time, each unit consisting of no more than thirty minutes. Full hours can be a little bit intimidating and most activities take about half an hour. Taking a bath: one unit, watching countdown: one unit, web-based research: two units, exercising: three units, having my hair carefully disheveled: four units. It's amazing how the day fills up, and I often wonder, to be absolutely honest, if I'd ever have time for a job; how do people cram them in?
Ya feelin me? This post is no exception. I meant to get right down to bidness and mention a few housekeeping items for the club, and yet here I am, blathering about units. Better late than never, I reckon. First, if you Day Clubbers have any suggestions, photos, stories or whatever, by all means hit us with a response to this post, or email us at thedayclub@gmail.com.
I’d particularly like to know what you fellow Day Clubbers are up to. How were you inducted into the Day Club? What has been the best thing about being in the Club? What was the best Day Club experience you’ve had? And if you know of any fun, cheap or free stuff to do, please do tell. We’re looking to establish an ongoing list of Day Club activities for us to take full advantage of.
Uh, this post has already taken up one unit, and that’s all I can spare for now. I’ll get to that other stuff later.
I look forward to hearing from you!
1 comment:
Can students join? I mean, we ARE unemployed and we do spend much of the day bumming around looking for things to fill in time until people with jobs get home.
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